Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kaden loves to push his school bus around the house. He has even mastered turning the bus around to walk another direction. He is still not confident to let go and walk by himself yet. Maybe oneday we will see Kaden walk without pushing a school bus in front of him and using it as his walker. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Playing in the Sand

Kaden trying to fill the bucket with sand.....

Kaden worked really hard to get the sand in his bucket. Unfortunately, most of his handfuls did not make it to the actual bucket. You can see at the end of the video this was becoming a game and he just started to throw the sand. :)

Kaden's First Time to Play at the Beach!

Kaden's First Sand Experience!

Friday, July 10, 2009

"Mango Punch" at the summer concerts

12 Months Old

We have been enjoying the summer so far. We have gone to the Houston Children's Museum at least once a week and have been swimming several times. Kaden has been standing on his own without holding on to anything, but is still a little nervous about taking that first step hands free. He loves to talk and is starting to say a few things we can now understand. ("Ba" - bottle (even though he drinks out of a cup), "ba" - bath, "da-da" - daddy, "Bun" for bunny, and "ca" for cat . He can clearly say a few words - dog, bone, book, mama, duck (and a duck says "cack, cack"), bear, ball, bye-bye, and hi. He loves answering his play phone or other toys he puts to his ear and says "hi".
Kaden has also just this week said a few mini sentences...."Daddy's Chair" while leaning against his chair and "I catch it" while playing ball.

He has become a big flirt with older women. Yesterday at Sweet Tomatoes Kaden saw two little girls (around 6 years old) that were sitting behind us. He turned around in his high chair and started waving at them for about 10 minutes. He would clap and smile at them when they would talk to him. This is not the first time that he has flirted with older women at a restuarant. We went to eat at Gaido's in Galveston about a month ago after going the the aquarium at Moody Gardens for the day. A bachelorette party of about 12 women set next to our table. He began entertaining them by waving, talking to them and putting on his baby charm with his smile. He definitely has a way with women to get their attention!

12 Months Old

Kaden's Father's Day Card

Kaden's 1st Birthday Invitation